Samantha Lindup Reeve


About Me

I have over twenty years professional experience working in private practice and I am a fully registered Member with the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP).  I initially trained at The Institute of Psychosynthesis, London and I continue to regularly take part in ongoing trainings and continued professional development events.

The Therapy

The therapy is a private and safe space, non-judgemental, tolerant and confidential where you can speak about the difficulties you are facing.  Where you can learn to speak freely about whatever you are thinking and feeling in the moment.  Throughout the course of the therapy we will work together to identify and understand what is troubling you, and we will attempt to explore the hidden layers of the mind that may be contributing to these problems.  The work requires a level of commitment and hard work which, alongside the deep listening and reflection that the therapeutic space can provide,  may help you to bring about the changes you desire.

What To Expect

At times you may find certain behaviours and patterns no longer serve nor support the life you want for yourself.  You may need to find ways to speak about and process difficult experiences in order to come to terms with trauma and loss. You may have an underlying feeling that something is ‘not quite right’.  Or you may be experiencing obstacles in your quest to make real your dreams.  Whatever the difficulty you find yourself facing psychotherapy may be able to help you find a way through the challenges towards choice and a steadier sense of yourself; towards inner strength, self-control and self-respect.

The purpose of the initial meeting is for us to have a chance to meet, and for you to speak about what brings you to therapy.  Occasionally I may suggest we take several meetings for this process.  We will discuss what you are hoping to resolve or achieve, any expectations you have for the process, and you will have an opportunity to ask me any relevant questions.  I offer open-ended therapy, brief and time-focussed therapy.

During the initial sessions we will take time to arrange a regular ongoing appointment, and any other admin related issues.

Individual sessions – 50 minutes
Couples and families – 60 minutes

Occasionally I can offer a reduced fee for daytime appointments only.

I keep only client contact details and this is kept securely and in accordance with data protection legislation.


Once we establish a regular meeting I will reserve this time expressly for you. Other than bank holidays and my annual leave if you cannot attend a meeting please let me know as soon as possible.  If we are unable to make an alternative arrangement during the same week you will be responsible for the full fee.


Ending is an important part of the therapy and it is always productive to allow some time for this.  Normally I will suggest at least two weeks notice of your intention to end the therapy and often this will be longer.

About Psychosynthesis & Analytical Psychology

Psychosynthesis is a psychology of hope with its eye not only on the past but also on a purposeful future giving individuals the capacity to reorient their lives in the direction of meaning and values. It is a therapy that works at both the level of personality and soul helping you to gain a deeper understanding of your past, to know yourself more and to trust your own feelings and thoughts.  Psychosynthesis embraces bringing meaning to our struggle and acknowledges our new beginnings.

Analytical Psychology is the term that Jung gave to his particular form of psychotherapy.  Fundamental to Jung’s view of the psyche was that the mind and the unconscious could largely be trusted, and that it was all the time attempting to assist the individual; in this way he saw the psyche as self-regulating.  Jung thought that even problematic symptoms, such as anxiety or depression, could be potentially helpful in drawing the individual’s attention to an imbalance in the psyche, for eg. if someone becomes depressed perhaps the way they are living their life means that they are not following a path that is natural and true to their particular personality. He understood this as being due to the purposive nature of the psyche.  Jung also thought that the way that we see ourselves (our ego) is limited and that modern man has become cut off from his true, instinctual nature. He thought that we need to listen to ourselves and to come to discover who we really are and what we really feel. He came to believe that we need to be guided by what he called the self, which is an unconscious sense of the personality as a whole, an archetypal image of the individual’s full potential.

The elements of the self which have not been integrated into the conscious personality Jung called the shadow. These elements are sometimes in the shadow (and the qualities and functions are denied or disowned) because we feel they are unacceptable. These might typically be negative, or destructive parts of the personality like aggression or envy (although Jung would say that all aspects of the personality, light and dark, are necessary for the personality if it is to become whole and well-grounded).  For other people it might be the vulnerable, sensitive and loving qualities that are denied.  In summary, Jung felt that the individual needs to pass beyond their immediate everyday experience and come into relationship with the self, which is sometimes experienced in a numinous and awe-inspiring way. This can be a transformative experience for the individual and one that moves their centre of gravity away from petty, personal self-centredness towards a broader view of themself, more in touch with and related to other people.

Photo 29-05-2018(2)

Samantha Lindup Reeve



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Common Issues

  • anxiety, fear and panic
  • depression
  • trauma
  • self-destructive behaviours/self-harm
  • relationships and conflict resolution
  • family
  • managing life transitions
  • spiritual crisis
  • stress, and preventing burnout
  • living with chronic medical conditions
  • loss and bereavement

Memberships & Qualifications

  • PG Dip Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy (Middx University & The Institute of Psychosynthesis)
  • PG Dip Psychotherapeutic Counselling (Middx University & The Institute of Psychosynthesis)

Types of Therapy

In Person

Frequency of Sessions

Once Weekly
Twice Weekly



Individual £120
Couple £200
Family £200